Now you produzed your text about various computer programming , post it in space comment of the blog ok? A hug teacher Eliete!
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Now you produzed your text about various computer programming , post it in space comment of the blog ok? A hug teacher Eliete!
Power point
ResponderExcluirThe Power Point is a widely used to develop presentations, specialy a school.
The students used several, resources such as: graphic objects (clip arts),symbols, org charts, photos, among other graphic resources.
Among its main features, we can highlight the effects of slide transition, choice of different types of letters, predefined presentation models, audio and video features, and the possibility of including animations.
Alunas: Erica Cristina
Larissa Valentin
ResponderExcluirGimp is a program used for design graphic that is freely distributend which means that you can download and install it free. Features gimp can be used to a vareity of uses graphics, as touches of photos, image compositions and imaging.
Many resources are a full set of painting tods is included in the program, can be used to ceate you awn images or change an existing.
ResponderExcluirIt is software that allows internet comunication via voice and video conectios , created by Janus and niklas , skype vas sold to the company elay and belong , sing May 2011, to microsoft.
It is currently the most popular, desktop aplication or the market and as hold 300 million users worldwide.
Skype does not uplace landlines and mobile phones and can not for used emergency call.
Author: Ítalo Ryan Souza Mourão
Elson Rodrigues Costa
Anonimo ?
ExcluirSkype is a software that enables internet comunication. It was created by Janus Friis and Niklas Zenstrorm, it's the most popular application of call in desktop. Skype is avaible in 26 languages, ca be used in cellphones ,computers, tablets and outers. We can find the skype in the site of microsoft.
ResponderExcluirAluno(s): José Ferreira Gomes, Elian Wallace Dias dos Santos
Turma: Técnico em Informática - 2017
ResponderExcluirAlunas: Alana de Andrade Sales, Kahaandra Camile T. Alves
Textual Production - Windows Media Player
WMP is a multimedia player program, that is, audio and video on windows computers. Produced by Microsoft, it is available for free to Microsoft Windows, in addition to other platforms.
It replaced an old program called Media Player only, adding features beyond simple audio playback.
The Windows Media Player comes bundled with the Windows operating system.
The Gimp
ResponderExcluirGimp is a program used for design graphic, that is freely distributed. The can be used to a variety of uses graphics, as touches of photos, image compositions and imaging.
Many resources are included by default with the gimp, as a full set of painting tools is indeed in the program, can be used to create your own images or change an existing.
In the gimp the transformation tools that are also included to rotate, scale, curling and turn image within the photo editor gimp.
Alunos: Carlos Henrique Oliveira Araújo
Nayure Mayara Oliveira Santos
ExcluirProgram Power Point
ResponderExcluirIt is a program used for graphic presentations, written for the Windows operating system developed by Microsoft. Among its main features, we can highlight the transition efects of letters, pre defined presentation models, audio and audio features, and the possibility of including animations. The program was lanunched in 1990.
Bruna Fonseca
Clara Janaysa
Power point
ResponderExcluirThe program Power Point, used for apresentation of slides, offers resource of text edition, photo, movie.
It was create by work school, seminary, lectures, among others. It can increase or decrease the letters, select color, offers design animations, make effects of transitions. In the end of slide, the program offers sonorous effects, like palms.
Alunas: Cristina Oliveira, Izabella Adriane
Turma: TI 17
ALUNAS: Jacquellyne Martins da Silva
ResponderExcluirJayne Aires Oliveira
We’re students of Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará - Campus Itaituba. We as computer technicians students , studied in determined class called graphics software, with the computer’s program Gimp , that has basically image editing function.
The Gimp is practical, it has tools that help us that cried our pictures, like banner, gifs, images in Png and more animation.
alunas(o):Abigail Socorro
ResponderExcluirKézia Matos
Rafael Almeida
A free communicotion program, from user to user, trough the connection to internet you com share photos ,videos,ond files. Provides a simple and fast way to connection whith your friends and families, good connection, great audio and video quality i and better, the progm is frie.
Skype/Skaip/is software that allows internet communication via voice and vides connections, created by janus friis and Niklas Zennstom . Skyper was launched in the hear 2003.
ResponderExcluirSkype is a very simple application, its usefulnnes amd make people communicate via calls and via video calls. To use skype is ben simple., you can download it by google play (play store) or the internet (google). After downloading it, like every aplication, it will ask you to create an account with your gmail and password to register. After that just user, easy and simple. Skype is also very useful for people who live from each other, and can hardly see themselves... that's where skype comes with your video call allowing them to see each other.
Textual Production
ResponderExcluirThe Power Point is used in presentations, whose purpose is to inform obout a certain theme, being able to use: imagens, sounds, texts and vídeos that can be animated in differente ways.
The Gimp is an open-source progam focused primarily on crealing and editing raster imagens, and to a lesser extent also for vector drawing.
These computer programs displays an edition fantastic for creations slide and edit picture on how easily.
atah legal
ExcluirMicrosoft Windows
ResponderExcluirWINDONS is an aperating systen thal was de veloped for marketing is sales.It is installed on variows platforns such as tablet, computers, cell phone anther other.
IT consists of several families and over time these families have been receiving. Certain updates to meet certain sectors of communication with the goal of always bringing the best versions of operating systems to their user.
ResponderExcluirGimp is an image editing and creation program for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
It is a good free alternative to photo-shop and fractures a number of tools fractures such as brushes and photo effects.
Gimp is editing and photo and effects is fractures.
students: Ronaldo Alves, Fábio Silva.
class: Ti-17.
Windows 7
ResponderExcluirWindows 7 is a version of Microsoft Windows, a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and office computers, laptops, tablets and PCs from media centers, among others. Unlike Windows Vista, which introduced a large number of new features, Windows 7 was a more modest and focused upgrade to be more efficient, cleaner and more practical to use, with the intention of making it fully compatible with applications and hardware with which Windows Vista was already compatible . Presentations given by the company in early 2008 showed a new Shell with a wider taskbar and now showing program icons as shortcuts, a new Start Menu that expands later showing files that have already been opened by the program, a network system called "HomeGroup", and increased performance when opening programs and initializing Windows and a new boot screen. Some applications that have been included in previous Windows releases such as Windows Calendar, Windows Mail, Windows Movie Maker, and Windows Photo Gallery will not be included in Windows 7 - these are offered separately as a free part of Windows Essentials for free download.
student: Jorge Anthony Araujo Rebelo
só do cola e copia hein
ExcluirVirtual Box
ResponderExcluirO Virtual Box é uma ferramenta capaz de simular o desempenho de outros sistemas operacionais em uma única máquina, cujo a capacidade de funcionamento depende das configurações que você disponibilizar para a máquina virtual. Além de você conseguir usar por exemplo Linux, dentro do Windows, você pode configura la para funcionar o MACos no Windows também, esse Software, é uma ferramenta muito útil para quem quer criar um servidor online que emite a função de outro computador.
Virtual Box
ExcluirVirtual Box is a tool capable of simulating the performance of other operating systems on a single machine whose operating capacity depends on the settings you make available to the virtual machine. In addition to being able to use Linux for example, inside Windows, you can configure it to work with MACos on Windows also, this Software, is a very useful tool for those who want to create an online server that emits the function of another computer.
Escola : Instituto federal campus Itaituba
ResponderExcluirturma : ti17
Alunos: Erick Luan , Camila Prado
virtual box
virtual box is a virtualization software developed by the company innoteck afeter purchased by sun microsystens thot can be acguired by arade whick , hke wmare worktation amis to criate evironments for.
the installation of diffent systems it allaws . Ar installation and use of one operating system within another , as wele as ist respctive software , as two or more independent computers , but physica lly sharing the same haydware .