Este ano o Happy Day, projeto de ensino e extensão, que desde 2012 tem o intuito de estimular os estudantes do IFPA no ensino aprendizado de Língua Estrangeira(Inglês), está na sua sexta edição, e traz o tema Multiculturalismo. Entende-se por multiculturalismo, a valorização das diferenças culturais, da individualidade de cada um, a razão que defende a necessidade da tolerância entre culturas num mesmo território ou nação. Também é uma ideia que se associa a outros fenômenos da contemporaneidade como o pós-modernismo e o relativismo cultural. Com essa temática, pretende oportunizar a toda comunidade escolar e em geral uma exposição de alguns países anglófonos, hispanófonos e lusófonos que têm essa característica multicultural.Logo, serão explanados sua origem, localização, costumes, enfim, as suas pluralidades. Vai ser legal. Venham aprender e se divertir também.
This year Happy Day, a teaching and extension project that, since 2012, aims to stimulate IFPA students in foreign language learning(English), is in its sixth edition, and features the theme Multiculturalism. It is understood by multiculturalism, the valorization of cultural differences, of the individuality of each one, the reason that defends the necessity of the tolerance between cultures in the same territory or nation. It is also an idea that is associated with other contemporary phenomena such as postmodernism and cultural relativism. With this theme, it intends to give an opportunity to the whole school community and in general an exhibition of some Anglophone, Spanish-speaking and Lusophone countries that have this multicultural characteristic. Soon, their origin, location, customs, and finally their pluralities will be explained. Will be cool. Come learn and have fun too.
This year Happy Day, a teaching and extension project that, since 2012, aims to stimulate IFPA students in foreign language learning(English), is in its sixth edition, and features the theme Multiculturalism. It is understood by multiculturalism, the valorization of cultural differences, of the individuality of each one, the reason that defends the necessity of the tolerance between cultures in the same territory or nation. It is also an idea that is associated with other contemporary phenomena such as postmodernism and cultural relativism. With this theme, it intends to give an opportunity to the whole school community and in general an exhibition of some Anglophone, Spanish-speaking and Lusophone countries that have this multicultural characteristic. Soon, their origin, location, customs, and finally their pluralities will be explained. Will be cool. Come learn and have fun too.
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