Hi my students TI 18

Send to blog the texts that produced in  classroon about computer technician

Bye teacher Eliete Cardoso


  1. Hi, my name is Bryan Gabriel, I'm 14 years old. I am a student in the area of computer technician and would like to continue with this information to get a job. Besides getting a job, I will go deeper and deeper into the area of computing to become a successful professional and graduate in the area, I really like working with technology and I identify with the area.
    before coming to study at the IFPA I already thought of continuing in the career of computer technician since early I already did services involving the area and always studied about software and hardware. basically I love computers and do not want to stop. IFPA has great teaching methods besides being one of the best schools in my city is a public and quality education in the field of computer science students always usually get a job at the end of the course.

  2. Karine De Oliveira Souza6 de abril de 2018 às 09:43

    Computer Technician
    My name is Karine De Oliveira Souza, I`m student the Instituto Federal Do Pará Campus Itaituba, my course is computer technician integrated to high school. The professional computer technician can perform various taskes, such as: Technicial support, software development, webdesign criation of websites, configuration of computer networks, computer graphics projects, organization of database.

  3. I am Thiago, i study on Instituto Federal do Pará, i course computer techician integrade to high scholl. I want specialize me in computer science and i want to graduate in the area because we need to use computers in our lives, both for us to keep up to date and for our work area.
    I have the goal graduating in area of computer science as a graphic designer.

  4. Tainara Riato Da Silva6 de abril de 2018 às 09:46

    My name is Tainara Riato Da Silva, I`m estudy of Federal Instituto Pará. My curse computer techician Intend expertise on área to computer programmer.
    A computer techician nuds tobe very responsible with his or her taskes. And is nicissary for a techician to9 have a basic understanding of English of to specialize in other areas.

  5. My name is Henry Gabriel. I'm studying high school at IFPA the technical course in computer when I’m finish I want to be a data processor and working in an internet service providers.

  6. Mikelângelo Dos Santos da Silva6 de abril de 2018 às 09:49

    my name is Mikelângelo dos Santos da Silva. I do couse computer techician integrated to higer school and entend to be expertise in the area technician in systems development, technician in computer networks, technician in Assembly and maintenance of computer equipmente, etc.

  7. Computer Technician

    My name is Leandro . I study and Fereral Institute of Pará (IFPA);
    A computer techimian is the professional tht is able to make configura tiom of ccomputer sjutus, install equipamete and chek the couse of computer systus, install equipament and chek the couse of computer programming failares. This profession can i compans of the branch or provide sistema os this own. I would like of to be programmer

  8. Guilherme Moraes Alves6 de abril de 2018 às 09:51

    extual production

    My name is Guilherme Moraes Alves. I take a course in computer technology integrated with secondary education. I do my first year, I intend to continue in the area of computer science and become a computer specialist or else choose an area that is suitable for me.

  9. My name is Luiz Ueta, I'm 17 years old. I'm a technical student in computer science. I plan to finish high school and go to physical education and then physiotherapy.

  10. I`m Markson Thyerre and I stud in school IFPA curse computer techicion integrated to high school. I would like specialize me in techncian in computer Networks, Techncian in Assembly or Mainternance of computer esquipments

  11. My name is Mayana, I`m 16 years old, this is my first year here at the institute.My occupation is student. I like to reade books.I`m taking a course in computer technician and I`m loving.I intend to worke in computer security and also in computer networks.

  12. My name is Leonardo Batista Miranda I am 16 years old, I am a student of the federal institute of the campus itaituba campus, I do course of technician in computer science, of here some years I intend to act in some areas, Database Administration, Administration of Networks, Information Architecture , E-Commerce, Data Processing, among others.

  13. Textual Production

    my name is igor dias
    salles. I am student computer techician course to high school.
    I am 14 years, and study at IFPA. I want to continue in the computer are, becoming more and more specializes and i intend to become a great profisional in the field of computer science.

  14. My name is Gabriela Beatriz Soares Costa.The name of my school is Federal Instituto of Pará.A profissional computer techinician can perform various tasks such as:technical support among others.
    Id like to fallow with the profission of graphic design.


    Hi! My name is Habacuque, i’m student at IFPA-Campus Itaituba, i am student in informatic.
    For to be a computer technician the student must own courses in computing the computer and electronics.
    I am intendins to be in support technician.

  16. My name is Weverton Viana Alves, and I`m study the first year of high school at the Federal Institute of Pará, in the computer course.
    The profession that I´m going to graduate in will be software engineering, it is an area of computing focused on the specification, development, maintenance and creation of software, with the application of technologies, and pratices of project management and other disciplines, aiming at organization, productivity and quality.

  17. Liliane Castro Teles6 de abril de 2018 às 09:58

    My name is Liliane Castro Teles, I'm coursing higt school at IFPA. My course computer can opportunity an ocupation.
    O computer techinician and the profficionel wo is able to perform a computer system platform an equipaments.
    I would like of expertise in graphic desing.

    Liliane Castro Teles TI18.

  18. My name is Rodrigo Alves. I'm fiften years old I study in Federal Institution IFPA. I chose the course because, I want to be a on computer and open the labour maekt service on mobile phones andcomputer etc. Is I want to jain the area of computer programmer.

  19. my name and Lauanda Aguiar studying in the IfPA computer technician is the professional who is able to make configurations of computer systems, install equipment and check the causes of failures in computer programming, Develops computer programs all this and done by a professional work with any area in the world of informatics all this and done by a professional

  20. Lara Cássen de Souza Santos.6 de abril de 2018 às 10:05


    Hi! My name is Lara Cássen and I’m a student. The name of my school is IFPA Campus Itaituba and my course is computer technician.
    I like to study here because in the future I’ll have a lot of opportunities in this occupation.
    For example a computer techinician can be a graphic designer, network administrator or systems analyst.
    It can develop an app, softwares or systems. It can create sites and gives techinical support too.
    In my opinion, I would like to be a graphic designer because is a good career to follow.

  21. Raissa Feitosa dos santos.6 de abril de 2018 às 10:07

    My name is Raíssa feitosa dos Santos I`m student of IFPA.
    to set ep and to administer networks also and an function what can to be perfecty mad per one techinician and computing to connect devices establish conection in betwens equipaments etc.


  23. Elen Adria s. de lima6 de abril de 2018 às 10:08

    My name is Elen Adria,I study Federal Institute.I am coursing computer techician integrated,to high school. I intend to be expertise in this branch of informatics, and specialize me in the area and make lots of money, to ensure my future too.


    My name is Edivando couse computer techician integrated to high school.
    I would like specialize me in desktop computers, laptos, servers, or all of them or can choose to train the specialist in an area of expertise. I would like to pursue the design profession

  25. my name is Carlos Victor.I do couse of technician of computes .I want specialeza me in computer scunce and i want graduate me in are ue need to use compures inourlives,botrfor us to keep up to to date and for ousword areato ensure my fulure too
    Iwant to gradiate in lhe area of computes scune as a data processar

  26. My name is Janiele ,I study at Federal Instituto the Pará .A computr technician ande the profissional who is able to perfom a computer systen platforme an pments .
    I wold like of expertisen technician computing .

  27. My name is João Victor. I'm 15 years , I am son of Francisco da Silva and Juracilene Vieira and I to fom. Skrol I'm in the first grode of higer, school wer , I graduate I wont to be Just sitting em sia central is also chose the proffession because wher. I enter the barracks I don't suffer so mucho not go ento thejungle to spend monthrs there is very bad, I wont to be desiner grafico is ngetting only good.

  28. music "the nights"

    Hey, once upon a younger year
    When all our shadows disappeared
    The animals inside came out to play
    Hey, when face to face with all our fears
    Learned our lessons through the tears
    Made memories we knew would never fade
    One day my father—he told me,
    "Son, don't let it slip away"
    He took me in his arms, I heard him say,
    "When you get older
    Your wild life will live for younger days
    Think of me if ever you're afraid."
    He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind
    So live a life you will remember."
    My father told me when I was just a child
    These are the nights that never die
    My father told me

  29. my name is camila study at IFPA a computer technician has the function of doing maintenance in notebook computers configures and installs networks. Software Development Creation of projects that involve Computer Graphics. all this is done by a computer professional

  30. hello my name is Mateus isac. Study in IFPA live in neighborhood viva itaituba and Im 16 years old. i take a course in computer technician and i enjoy playing video game and cycling. when i finish high school i will go to law school to be able to become a federal judge. my dream know new contries and also have plans to be a game developer.

  31. Hello, My name is Ayran Brito Dourado, I'm a student. The name of my school is FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PARÁ. My course is informatic technician.
    I would like of to be computer technician, because always liked informatic. And now, I have opportunity tobe computer technician.

  32. My name is Maria Débora.I have 16 years old and Istudy computer course integrated in the federal institute of Prá. Intend future me form in computer technician because it is an area in which I indentificy myself much.

  33. my name is lucas lima i do cause of lichnician computer scuse i whant to especialize in computer secunse and i want to graduat in the sorvice are. Blalase ue nede to givercomputes in our lives brats four is to keep to date and focer future too i whant to specialize in the technical area of software.

  34. My name is Eluan and I do not like to study English, but I want to do the technical course in Computing. I study at the IFPA, I would like to be a game designer.

    Thanks, leave your comment.

  35. Hi! My name is Renairy Linhares, I am in the first year of high school in the course of Computer Technician at the Ifpa school (Federal Institute of Pará.
    technician in Computing is a very interesting course because in the job market there are many opportunities when it comes to computing


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