Resultado de imagem para Resume

Hi students  TI 15,you are finishing your course now, so write your "resume"  in this blog. Don't forget put your contacts like e-mail and others. Follow the instructions  explaned in  classroon.  I'm waiting.


  1. Curriculum
    Ana Caroline Rebelo Viana
    Fone: (93) 99178-3745
    Address: 3 street/ Bela Vista.
    City: Itaituba – PA.

    Career Objective: Courses and forms in the area of denstistry.

    High School Education: Institute Federal do Pará - campus Itaituba.

    Keys Skills: Handling Microsoft, I have a quick typing.

    Knowledge of: Basic computer science and advanced by: the T&T informatics course, the course had 40 hours for 6 months.

    References: Sebastiana Rebelo (93) 99200-5050.
    João Victor (93) 99150-5040.


    NAME: Edrei Maciel Pereira

    PHONE: (99219398)
    ADRESS: Estrada do bis 575
    CITY: Itaituba - Pará

    CAREER OBJECTIVE: Specialist in information security

    PROFISSIONAL QUALIFICATION: Certificate in graphic design

    HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: Fouth year – Federal Institute of Education, science ant technology of Pará

    HOBBIES: working with arduino, edit videos, play online games, mine virtual currences

    KEY SKILLS: Computer technician

    KNOWLEDGE OF: Progamation

    REFERENCES: Nery Maciel, phone(992162856)

  3. Curriculum

    Name: Rickelme Tavares Diniz
    Phone: 93991796587
    Adress: 6th street garden of the macaws
    City: Itaituba

    Carrer objetive: Biomedic

    Professoinal Qualification: Computer technician

    High school Education: Fedreral Institute of Pará - campus Itatiuba 4th grade or last semester

    key skills: Program of computers, cook, clean the house

    knowledgeof: Format computers, to schedule and drive car and motorcycle

    hobbies: Playball, travel, play video game, sleep, make gym and study

    References: Raimundo Diniz Ferreira (93)991111054
    Maria Jonelma Tavares de Oliveira (93)992352441

  4. curriculum

    Nome: Gabriel oliveira mendes

    Phone: (93)991053095.
    Adress: 20 street n: 985.
    City: Itaituba.

    Career objective: Graduate in computer science and mechatronics.

    Profissional qualification:
    basic and advenced computer escence, 40 hours of graphic disign, Amazon Professional Education

    High school education: IFPA – Federal institute of the Pará -(Concluing the technical course in computer.).

    My Hobby: My hobby to play video game watch series and moveis that play wilh the psychological.

    Key skells: To solve types of problens in computers.

    Knowledge of: Programming.

    Interests and mobeleis: mut diffirent types of people/ travel.

    Justina oliveira sousa.

  5. Curriculum
    Wesley Albuquerque Rodrigues
    Phone: +5593171-7109
    Address: 1st Coca Street
    City: Itaituba
    Career Objective: Computer Science
    Profissional qualification: Camputing basic and advanced, grafic designer by: T&T Informática course had 40hours for 6 months
    High School Education: Federal Institute of Education , Science and Tecnology of Pará.
    4th grade or last semester.
    Major subjects: free online games
    Key skills: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Ecxel, Adobe photoshop, programming, Maintenance.
    References: Aricleyton Ferreira (98818339010)

  6. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  7. Curriculum
    José Luis Da Costa Oliveira

    Phone: 991417915
    Andress: Street 31st, St.Antônio
    City: Itaituba-PA

    Carrer objective: Work with cyber security

    Professional qualification: Basic and avanced computer certificate, information technology certificate on IFPA

    High school education: 4th grade

    Hobbies: Work and play with computer, reflex and strategy games, and play volleyball

    Key skills: Microsoft office, Photoshop, Programation logic, Languages: Java, HTML. Maintenance of computer, Formatation of systems

    References: Arikleyton Ferreira (9881339010)

  8. Ítalo Kaio Pereira da Silva PHONE: +5593991000000
    ADRESS: Cerro Portenho N°2222
    CITY: Itaituba-Pa

    CARRER OBJECTIVE: To be a soccer player, but how impossible it is, i want to be a good professional.
    PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION: Qualification in computer technical.
    HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: Concluding high school in june 2018 at IFPA in computer technical.
    MAJOR SUBJECTS: Companionship, learning, dedication.
    KEY SKILLS: Computer maintenance, organizer, assistant.
    KNOWLEDGER OF: Footbal, computer, car, moto.
    REFERENES: Joana Campanher-991010203, Junior Webeck- 991030405


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